Since taking this new job I have seen a few rather large bugs. In the past four months I've seen a luna moth (think the sleep aid commercial with the green moth) a Polyphemus Moth, and a 3 inch long, brown praying mantis. I find it kind of funny that a chemical company - that makes agricultural products and bug repellent used to have facilty on the property where my new company now sits and we are getting these bugs that appear to be on steroids. In the case of the aforementioned moths, they haven't lived long. They are pretty sloth like creatures during the day (like me in the early morning) and tend to get run over by cars. I've been seeing these in the company's parking garage and the traffic is high. The praying mantis was in a stairwell and I was on my way home and had nothing to capture the creepy little critter in (I'm sure the thought of that would seriously disturb my sister lol).
At any rate, this morning I noticed a large moth near my usual parking spot. When I came out for my first cigarette of the day I stopped by the cafeteria and pilfered a large styrofoam cup and lid just in case. Sure enough when I reached my car the guy was still there. So I caught him and brought him home so I could get a few shots of him before setting him free.
So here he is, a Pink-spotted hawkmoth, in all is Mothra like glory....

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